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Bachelor of Applied Arts (Interior and Furniture Designer) with master education in Integral Urbanism and regional development.
Ability of creating original ideas in the design processes, talents for research and realisation of new design achievements, as well as tendency for solving specific creative tasks.
2021 Ubuntu United Nations Youth leaders academy delegate from SRB
2020 Nature tutor award (Nature Contest) strengths: Integral Urbanism with a focus on Engineering, Humanities + Arts
Project is listed Renovation wave because it offer an example of implementation, but the idea is not to stop there. We must Rethink usage of materials in Architecture in general, based on their qualities to support life - directly and indirectly. That specification is not new, but recommendation through institutions and policies is. Justification in these choices should be more than just the fact it exists at the market, but rather in smarter decisions and popularisation of natural materials.