Energy and new products generation from landfills

Iurie Barbarosh
I have a Masters degree in Economics from Academy of Economic Studies and a Licence in Social Sciences from the State University.
I used second hand construction materials at large (dismantled old houses) to build my home in rural area. When I needed materials for 100m of village road I descovered them in landfils (the national problem of Romania and Moldova). The unsorted garbage in our country could be the nr.1 source for:
1) energy generation
2) new recyclable products
3) construction materials
Instead of this, they are just burried underground (so energy used to extract them in the first place and again energy used to dispose and burry them in natural sites!)
With the help of AI and new sorting technologies landfils could be transformed in nr.1 piles of energy and new products generators in Europe and the World. At a small scale, I implemented this in reality.
One day, a property owner decided to build a new house instead of the old one. He decided to demolish the old house and evacuate the rubbish to the landfils. I evaluated the old house and found out that it consists mainly of massive stone and wood, briks and cement. So I proposed the property owner to dismantle the house (which was huge) at my own expense. He agreed and I had control now over the entire process. With a team of workers and tools and truks we dismantled the building section by section, stone by stone and mooved the piles of materials to my courtyard. In the end I got 3 piles of very good quality construction materials at the cheap costs of labour and transportation to my terrain. The second summer I reused all these materials to build my own home. When I needed to recondition the old 100m of village road I again found very good materials in landfils. So I realised that half of the people on our European continent use energy to extract materials from under the ground and the other half of people use enery to burry them again into the landfils. Which is madness, lark of common sense and bad management of resources.