Memoryscapes of Sarajevo

Ena Kukić
E+D are Ena Kukić and Dinko Jelečević. They partnered in 2010 and have been doing pretty much everything together ever since. After studying architecture in Sarajevo, Barcelona, and Graz, they both graduated from TU Graz. Apart from working together, Ena also teaches design principles and model making at the KOEN Institute and is writing a Ph.D. on memory in architecture, while Dinko creates 3D visualizations as a freelancer and works in an office. Their dog, Frank, has repeatedly been named employee of the month at E+D.
2023 EU Mies Award Young Talent Winner (Dinko)
2022 GAD Award Nomination (Dinko)
2019 Archiprix Biennale Finalist (Ena)
2019 Collegium Artisticum National Award (E+D)
2018 GAD Award Winner (1. prize) (Ena)
2018 Collegium Artisticum National Award (E+D)
2017 international competition, 2. prize (E+D)
2017 national competition, 2. prize (E+D)
2017 international competition, 2. prize (E+D)
2012 student competition, 1. prize (E+D)
Publications, Exhibitions, Lectures (selection)
2023 Venice Biennale, EU Mies Young Talent Award Exhibition (Dinko)
2023 Princeton School of Architecture, WDA Conference (Ena)
2022 Architekturzentrum Wien, Claiming*Spaces Conference (Ena)
2022 Article in Prishtina in 53 Buildings (Ena)
2022 Reise durch den Alltag (co-editor) (Ena)
2022 Article in Bauwelt 133 (19) (Ena)
2021 Warsaw Memory Studies Association Annual Conference (Ena)
2020 Kuma International Architecture Month lecture (Ena)
2020 Book Review in GAM 16 (Ena)
2019 Santiago de Chile, Archiprix Biennale Exhibition (Ena)
2019 Eindhoven Archiprix Biennale Exhibition (Ena)
2019 HDA Neue Architektur aus Bosnien und Herzegowina (Ena)
2019 Sarajevo Collegium Artisticum Exhibition (E+D)
2019 Book Review in GAM 15 (Ena)
2018 Sarajevo Collegium Artisticum Exhibition (E+D)
2014 Sarajevo Collegium Artisticum Exhibition (E+D)
2013 Belgrade Mikser Festival Exhibition (E+D)
The project "Memoryscapes of Sarajevo" deals with the spatial framework of collective memory in Bosnia's capital, taking into account the complex political context, local culture of remembrance, and social sustainability. This years-long research yielded two lauded master theses that serve as case studies: KENOPSIA and VALTER. The methodology and concept of both projects are rooted in the same research-backed ideas, sharing the architectural language and aiming for a more just and solidary society.
VALTER design project proposes the revitalization of a multi-layered historic site in Sarajevo through an adaptive reuse methodology. The site has served as a fortification, execution site, memorial complex, and military base during four different eras in the 20th century. Ultimately, it will take the shape and function of a public-oriented forum typology.
KENOPSIA design project deals with the touristification and banalization of Sarajevo's traumascapes and proposes an alternative memorialization of a famous war tunnel. Building upon the local culture of remembrance, it envisions an underground museum on the urban side, as well as a memorial on the rural side of the tunnel, shifting the focus to the local community from tourists and political manipulation.