Rural Geometries, Educational Trail + Buffalo Barn

Attila Róbert Csóka
Szabolcs Molnár
Dávid Smiló
Paradigma Ariadné is a Budapest based design studio to create architecture and related contents, through applying theory, imagination and narration based design processes. The studio was founded in 2016 by Attila Róbert Csóka, Szabolcs Molnár and Dávid Smiló.
Paradigma Ariadné is co-curator of Hungarian Pavilion at La Biannale 2021 together with Dániel Kovács. Paradigma Ariadné were involved with projects and exhibitions in Budapest, Venice, Warsaw, Vienna, Dortmund, Logroño and Ohio State.
Budapest based Paradigma Ariadné architecture studio was invited by the city of Sándorfalva to design a buffalo barn and an educational trail into their natural protected land that today is wholly covered with reeds. The initial aim of the development was to immigrate buffalos to the place. This act has two outcomes. On one hand visitors would have the chance to visit the trail and meet these creatures in their living environment. On the other hand buffalos will recultivate the area by destroying the invasive reeds with their presence and turn the place back into its original pre-industrialized age condition, into a lake and swamp again, which is able to welcome hundreds of native species that were away thanks to the lack of open water surface.
While it was a design task on one hand, it was also a task to reinterpret the built environment in natural landscape on the other.
Concept wise this project is about the understanding of agricultural buildings of the European landscape trough the time of history. These buildings in the countryside are still a mixture of almost hundred years old regional architecture and contemporary industrialized technologies that qualities sometimes are clashed together in a very naïve way. While both kind of architecture includes big and simple geometries, that creates unique character in the landscape.
We tried to continue this quality with joyful geometrical composition in an organized way. We have defined a 500 meters long curved path with 500 meter radius, on which we placed few objects for observing the nature: one buffalo barn, three little installation to enjoy the landscape through framing it, and a viewpoint at the end. Thanks to the giant curved shape of the path these objects can be revealed in a direct order for the visitors, while the whole structure can be observed only from the viewpoint.