window / haven

Born in Valencia, she finishes the Professional Ballet Degree in 2014. She studies Bsc Architecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia (UPV), finishing in 2020. In 2017-2018 she obtains the Erasmus + scholarship and performs a year's stay in TU Delft, Netherlands. There he will have the opportunity to participate in the workshop 'Transdisciplinary encounters' in Sarajevo tgether with the London College of Communication. There she will introduce herself to visual ethnography as a research method with the project “Windows of Sarajevo” done together with Gabriela Chuecos.
She will begin to use video and documentary photography as a tool for urban analysis and social uses in relation to the spaces of the city, focusing on the building as a boundary/connection/barrier between public and domestic space and the use that its inhabitants make of them. In 2019 she makes a six-month stay at the School of Architecture and Design of the Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.
She collaborated with the La Fundación Épica of La Fura dels Baus in the co-creation of the interactive performance 'Sistemas complejos' in 2019 and in the digital theater project 'La maldición de la corona' in 2020.
Her final thesis 'La Ventanta. Un refugio encontrado', developed in the pandemic, continues with the line of work of documenting and analazing social phenomena associated with the dynamics of use of windows and balconies: the vertical public space.
In 2021-2022, during her Master's Thesis “67 steps, 1 courtyard” ( done together with Adriana Núñez Alfaro) she applies these interests and methodologies with the intention of addressing political and social issues related to space and isolation.
Nowadays she is working as an architect in Gradolí&Sanz Arquitectes and co-directing together with Adriana Núñez Alfaro “67 graons”, a ethnographic documentary that talks about getting old in inaccessible buildings through the stories of five women.
The window limits and connects the interior and exterior of the building, composes its façade and provides the inhabitant with light, air, views and a relationship with her physical and social environment. The balcony adds a new possibility: it is a projection of the private space into the public space, an exterior private place. Windows and balconies relate the domestic space to the exterior space and together with the facades and the space between buildings on the same street, make up what we consider vertical public space. In the contemporary city, the way of life of most citizens, characterized by acceleration and focused on work and productivity, relegates to the background, especially in the domestic sphere, the less functional aspects of this relationship.
However, there are other realities, specially of elderly woman in isolation risk, that value windows and balconies as places of possible connection, not only physical, climatic or energetic, but also social and emotional.
The objective of this research is to detect, document, make visible, analyze and characterize the dynamics of use of vertical public space from a gender perspective in order to subsequently enhance them and propose interventions that reflect, emphasize or play with the human relationship that occurs through this space.
The site will have an aging population + majority of women living.
3 work frames:
- Historic research
- Doing visual ethnography (outside). Detected through photography and video.
- Visual ethnography (inside). We will establish contact with different elderly women in isolation risk. We work on their routines through video-tours, reenactments, video diaries, self-recordings...
- Studying current regulations.
*The final product: a short audiovisual film, a series of photographs...
_Analyzing dynamics
_Proposing interventions. From the intangible (connecting women) to cretaing prototypes.