Interactive Landscapes: A multiscalar approach.

Carla Ferreyra
Octavio Lopez
Luisa Smeragliuolo
The development of the proposal is framed as a thesis project for the dual degree program between the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) and the University of Salerno (Italy).
Throughout my career, I have been able to experience new cultures and face new challenges that enriched my professional development and personal growth. I believe that in light of the new paradigms facing contemporary society regarding environmental sustainability, heritage preservation, cultural and social diversity, and the development of new technologies, architecture must take on a responsible and active role. This can be achieved through interdisciplinary and horizontal work.
Some of my achievements:
-Dual degree: Architect (Argentina), Construction Engineer and Architect (Italy).
-Diploma in Digital Technologies for Architecture Cohorte 2020. Certification: National University of Córdoba and Official Autodesk Academic Partners (international validity).
- EVC-CIN Scholarship (Encouragement of Scientific Vocations) from the National Interuniversity Council of Argentina.
-First prize. Project "Sinergia". Best Student Project Award 2023 – Corso di Recupero e Conservazione degli Edifici - Università degli Studi di Salerno.
-Honorable Mention. Project "El llanto de Tlaloc" International Competition Arquine No.25 | MEXTRÓPOLI Pavilion 2023.
-Third Honorable Mention. Project "Compendio". National Competition for Emerging Habitats. Ministry of Territorial Development and Housing + Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
-Second prize internationally and First prize nationally. Project "Dinamizador Barrial" 14th Alacero Steel Design Competition for Architecture Students 2021.
-Publication: López, O., Baigorrí, G., & Maristany, A. (2023). Realidad virtual como herramienta de análisis y diseño del paisaje sonoro. PENSUM, 9(11), 52–64
-I worked in national and international studios, such as: Ben-avid, SDF architects, Sirica architetti, Carballo Errasti.
Interactive Landscapes focuses on the development and exploration of strategies for the revaluation of landscape and environment in the "Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni," recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its great landscape, historical, and cultural value. Through a multi-scale methodology (XL, L, M, S), the approach moves from the general to the specific, reaching the architectural scale in the municipality of Laurino, aiming to enhance its natural heritage, guided by the guidelines set in the previous scales. It considers both the urban and landscape dimensions of the territory, which coexist today but face the problem of limited knowledge, dissemination, and valorization.
The proposal's objective is to protect and raise awareness about nature and the environment by deeply exploring new design variables and studying the surroundings at different scales. This dynamic also helps to restore centrality to the territory in relation to its context, strengthening collective identities through the connection with its environment and history.
The M scale focuses on strengthening the historical and cultural identity of the municipality, incorporating an interpretive route that connects different historical-cultural stages along with their landscape dimension as part of the program. This route leads us to the S scale, presenting a landscape project in the square and the enhancement of the existing cave through a traveling exhibition hall and a small interactive pavilion, promoting initiatives by the local community for conservation and enjoyment.
The multi-scale methodology can be applied to the analysis and intervention of other sites, allowing for an understanding of the environment and its needs, building a true network of natural habitats that prioritizes the value and importance of natural systems.