Gunpowder depot - space of inspiration

Miroslav Dajč
Nenad Šeguljev
Miljena Vučković
Scenatoria is an association of professionals and creatives operating in areas of culture, art and architecture.
By conducting practice of ambiental theatre and by placing adequate contents within, we expose potentials and values of protected areas. In such a manner - by drawing attention to the existence and need for sustainable and carefully planned usage of cultural monuments - we contribute to their active protection. Besides, our aim is to create an environment that activates and supports work and affirmation of young artists and experts through different kinds of education, exchange of experiences and interdisciplinary work in the fields of performing, visual and applied arts as well as protection of cultural heritage and its context.
Our previous work, as we assured, gradually leads towards permanent solutions and raises the general level of consciousness about the volume of problems we refer to.
During 10+ years of activity, we produced plenty of events in heritage, including educational / heritage walks, performances, concerts, theatre plays, music videos, etc., and a number of studies and publications: heritage maps, books, booklets, leaflets. As a support of good practice in renovation of endangered heritage buildings, we produced two stained glass windows, through workshops open for audience and participants.
Our interdisciplinary methodology is one of our main strengths, as it was developed through practice, tested and perfected over the previous seven years.
We did researches about historical cities and exhibited our work at various architectural and scenic design gatherings, latest including Tbilisi scene design biennial, ŽAD Belgrade exhibition (Female architectural society, Belgrade, Serbia) and BETA Timișoara. We received award from City Novi Sad Institution for Cultural Monument protection for our activistic work.
Currently we are developing a project about industrial heritage, with partners from Luxembourg and Croatia.
SCENATORIA is doing a long term project “Gunpowder depot - space of inspiration” with the aim to promote this endangered cultural monument, under official protection, but neglected and dilapidated. Within this framework several projects were realised, all including and empowering local residents to become decision makers and managers of “Joseph” gunpowder depot, which holds potential to become a social and tourist spot, cultural and info centre, place of gatherings and exchange, new point in Petrovaradin fortress visit.
Complex of "Joseph" gunpowder depot is ambience in "Wasserstadt" - Suburb of Petrovaradin Fortress, which was in 1991 pronounced for "cultural-historical complex of significance". It is a specific object built for military purposes, with a very interesting and complex plan, containing a central part of irregular triangle shape and two wings of cannon batches. It went through several changes from 1761, when it was first shown on maps of Fortress, until the 1990s, when it was abandoned.
In 2020, two music events were produced in this cultural monument. Jazz concerts and impro music event were organised during pandemics without / with a limited number of audience - adjusted from the original idea: larger event with audience on location. Thus, they were particularly carefully recorded and promoted on social networks. As most of “Scenatoria”projects have space as focus and emphasise its potential through artistic activities, inability of audience to experience spaces in vivo imposed transformation in cultural events production. Previously used methods and technologies - video, internet, social networks - were used as mediums to bring closer events to the audience. Implementation of these projects in changed circumstances posed a set of questions, including future of site-specific events, online presentation of heritage space and cultural events. Previous projects on the same location include exhibition, performance and walk.