Teaching urban regeneration

Alberto Cervesato, Architect, PhD, research fellow in Architectural and Urban Composition at the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Udine, on the issues of the valorisation of architectural and urban heritage with special focus on the sustainability aspects of the project in regeneration processes. He carries out research activities at the University of Morón, Buenos Aires. President of the Association A+AUD Architects Alumni Udine and member of the board of the Cultural Association Vicino/Lontano.
The idea is part of a broader research project involving the university of udine and the university Iuav of venice. The aim is to trigger processes of urban and territorial regeneration by involving resident inhabitants in activities that become attractive elements for the areas on the fringe. for example, a design workshop to stimulate creativity and propose new interventions to be implemented. The final outcomes will be collected in a publication describing the participatory process carried out. These activities have already been carried out in the past in some municipalities in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, such as Stregna a small village in the province of Udine.They want to initiate scientific research projects that, in cooperation with the municipal administrations, will allow these abandoned places to have a new life and new possible development scenarios.