Creative neighborhood as the part of block renew

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Milena Guberinic, 26 years old Architect from Belgrade, Serbia.
I graduated on the Faculty of the Architecture as an Architectural and Urban designer and become the Master.
I'm passionate about Architecture and Sociology and I try to research their relations through my projects.
In all my projects, you can notice relation between Architecture and Sociology.
Analysig the city block on the Skadarlija (the city block between Cetinjska, Zetska and Skadarska streets), it was observed the existence of a cultural identity of the block. (music, dance, art and acting programs).
The main problem of the location is that, there is luck of acceptable and usable spatial infrastructure.
Most of the existing spaces do not have acceptable conditions for the affirmation of cultural identity, as well as for further production. The main problems are:
• aesthetica and architecture of the objects is a "mockery" of the historical quarter.
• luck of adequate performing and working space capacity (most spaces are around 50 – 120 m²)
• inadequate capacity of the water and electrical networks
• poor hygiene
• luck of arranged public spaces
The main goal of the project is the reaffirmation of local identity (artistic identity) on the location by providing usable spaces and proggrames, which will help in the FUTURE DEVELOPMENT of the city block.
The group of people , who inhabit the new neighborhood, are young people (18-35 years old), who are engaged in the artistic profession and who are there to find an adequate space for living, working, presenting and selling their artistic goods.
The emphasis is on the exchanging skills, knowledge, experience, as well as the socializing of people with similar interests and tendencies.
Therefore, the new neighborhood consists of:
• COWORKING SPACES (office spaces, ateliers + storage spaces)
• MAIN SQUARE / ЕVENT SPACE (space for music events, parties, open market and etc.)
• SPACE FOR SELLING GOODS (open and closed market space)