Studio traccia is a Milan based studio, founded in 2020 by Claudia Orsetti and Luigi Olivieri. Both have 10+ years of experience, having worked for international firms such as SANAA or studio Tomas Saraceno.The studio works at the intersection of many worlds: using contemporaneity as a starting point, they try to digest it, communicate it or react to it through architecture, installations, photography, design, the curation and organization of talks and events, always questioning commonplaces.
We feel the need, in our role of designers, to contribute to the process of change necessary in this historical moment, generating spaces for thoughts and exchange that can facilitate transformative visions of the present and of possible futures.The project calls into action different fields and disciplines, in a perspective of contamination that distinguishes the research of studio.traccia and it translates into a series of performative interventions, events, talks and installations, which we will call ACTS.We've identified 3 subjects, food, extractive materials and data, that represents the most impelling places of confrontation of the paradigms of the present and the future;those will become the lenses through which we will conduct a series of researches that,through design and its extraordinary capacity as agent of change, will aim to raise awareness, create moments of confrontation and propose different modus operandi.We started with a visual investigation intended as a phenomenological portrait of a system that has led to physical and permanent alteration of geographies and ecosystems.This photographic project that maps territories altered by human’s activity was exhibited at Rotterdam photo festival 2022.We decided to translate our Act I,our research about food systems and in particular waste,into a dinner, sponsored by the EU project FoodWave.We partnered up with the chefs of Altatto, to design a dinner experience where circularity became a manifest.We realized a series of tableware with materials made with food waste, coming from the vegetarian menu created by the chef.Each tray had the shape of fundamental architectural elements: columns, walls, stairs that, assembled together, would build a small architecture, a way to shift the attention to our built world and a new possible materialism that could establish a new, non-extractive attitude with the planet.ACT II, is in the making and will use an iconic material,marble to explore exhaustible resources.