Datascape. Speculative City for Data to Inhabit

Architect and Visual Artist from Mexico City. He is a collaborator at Germen Estudio, where he has been involved in the design of over 30 art exhibitions in various cultural spaces in Mexico and abroad. Among these, the exhibition "Constelaciones de la Audio-máquina en México" stands out, receiving the "Miguel Covarrubias Award" (2019) within the INAH Awards. In 2020, with the support of the Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo (PAC), he published his first book "Tlatelolco Ciudad Museo" (Tlatelolco City Museum). Currently, he has been awarded the Fundación Jumex and Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC) Scholarship 2022 to pursue a Master's in Advanced Design Studies at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain.
The exponential rise of data is profoundly affecting the physical environment, and its uncontrolled proliferation will continue to reshape and alter the landscape. However, these impacts may not be immediately apparent.
Datascape represents the evolution of data growth and the data center as a monument. It aims to explore and visually represent the impact of massive data production on the physical landscape by designing a Speculative city for data to inhabit, illustrating the potential implications of this impact in the future. It calls for a critical examination of our digital practices and encourages responsible and sustainable approaches to data production and consumption.