training for thinkers on the move

Thanks to Musikers Music Factory, a project financed with support from the European Union, the PAC sessions have been
sessions were extended to seven educational centers in 2021, five of them in Polígono Sur (IES Joaquín Romero Murube
Joaquín Romero Murube, Ramón Carande, Polígono Sur, Domínguez Ortiz and CEIP Andalucía) and two centers in Torreblanca (IES
two centers in Torreblanca (IES S. XXI and CEIP Menéndez Pidal),.
T.The proposal continues to develop this human-machine language, as well as the training necessary to carry it out.
necessary to carry it out, turning this language into another hardware, one more link in the chain of communication and causality, man-language-machine-language-language-machine-language-machine-machine.
of the chain of communication and causality, man-language-machine-language-machine-language-language-society, a comprehensive
language-society, an exhaustive research between thought patterns and movements and their relationship with biometric
and movements and their relation with biometric data, mental frequencies, in such a way that it would be possible to abandon the exclusively
possible to abandon the exclusively involuntary character of human-machine-machine-machine-society interaction.
machine-society interaction. This physical, "behavioral" language, considered as hardware,
would be applied to other developments, its possibilities being infinite.
Training studies and experiments on the knowledge of the functioning of one's own organs in relation to one's own thinking.
own organs in relation to one's own thinking (perceptions, sensations, imagination and language), the glands
imagination and language), gestures (including voice) and movement.
The result is being a codified language (patterns of behavior, gestures, movements, thoughts) and tested (data about
(data on the validated interaction between behaviors performed and influence on biological parameters and how these
influence on biological parameters and how these influence other collective parameters) and a training to become
collective parameters) and a training to get the knowledge that allows the practice of the same, plus a
and a series of possible proposals and applications of this language to other developments related to the Internet of
developments related to the Internet of Things,