Stork House

Aleksandra Pešterac (1984) is an architect. She deals with architectural design, with a focus on scene architecture. She
graduated and received her doctoral degree from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. She is an associate professor and head of the Department of Scene Design at the same faculty, where she’s an associate for courses in the field of scene architecture. She was the assistant manager of the Department of Arts and Design, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, as well as the Director of the Centre for Scene Design, Architecture and Technology – SCEN (OISTAT Centre for Serbia) from 2015 to 2020. As an architect, she participated in the development of several architectural designs, among which the most
significant are the brief design of scene architecture with the design
of the stage and theatre spaces. She has published several scientific papers. She is the co-author of several award-winning projects in the field of architectural design. She actively participates as an author or mentor in numerous group exhibitions and workshops. She is the winner of the 2013 “Ranko Radović” award for as one of the authors of the project “Invisible Cities”, as well as the 2022 award in the same category for the project “Printing common spaces”, realized in the program line Collab Commons as a part of the Biennial of Scene Design 2022. She was the director of the Serbian performance at the Prague Quadrennial in 2019, and in 2015 she managed the preparation and realization of the Serbian performance, which was awarded the Gold Medal for Provoking Dialogue. She was the coordinator of the curatorial team of the Student Section at the PQ in 2023, whose work was awarded the prize for The most imaginative concept. She is a member of the OISTAT Centre of Serbia and a representative of the committee for architecture.
The goal of the project is to research, systematize, define and present the field of scene architecture; hers position in relation to other related fields - architecture, theater, scene design. The idea is to create a special field of Scene architecture within the SCEN - Center for Stage Design, Architecture and Technology in Novi Sad, as a platform which will develop and promote the field of Scene architecture. The goal activation of such a platform within the Center is the recognition of this field of architecture among young professionals, to research, analyze and present the creative and design process of work in this area.
The call for an architectural competition is intended to be held once a year, on which young professionals up to 40 years of age will be able to apply. Every year will be elected a separate topic depending on the given location that will also be defined by the author project.
The idea of the first call for architectural competition is the future Stork house - a location of an unfinished space which is currently spontaneously populated by the white storks in one of the largest colonies of these birds in this part of Europe, located next to the highway in the neighborhood in Novi Sad, Serbia. Since the future of this unfinished building is inevitable, the fate of the storks is also in doubt. We are looking for creative architectural solutions that will give this space the function of a home for storks, but within the language of Scene architecture. Scene architecture is a new interdisciplinary field, created by expanding the concept and practice of the scene
design, so it will be interesting for these theme to research, analyze and present within the creative process of work in this area and to explore the potential of Scene architecture.