Sine cūrā: A Future In What We Already Have

The DAI-SAI Sine cūrā: A Future In What We Already Have programme continues the exploration of critical architectural heritage and transformation of material and immaterial environments from “spaces of common disease” into places of “common healing”.
At a time when the traditional understanding of care for architectural icons is becoming a universal and ever-expanding professional question, we ask ourselves: how can we build strategies of care? As not everything worth preserving can be preserved as an icon, how can we expand the concepts and pursuits of care that are meaningful and sustainable to both the local and the global communities? How may such buildings become something more for their communities, or for people who care about them?
The programme started under the title From Care to Cure and Back, focusing on The Children’s Maritime Health Resort of Military Insured Persons in Krvavica, a modernist masterpiece built by the enigmatic Croatian architect Rikard Marasović, and communities around it, through investigation in film medium. While the complex sparks nostalgia and even international architectural interest (it was included in MoMA’s 2018 exhibition Toward a Concrete Utopia Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980), its contemporary and local realities are tied to multiple layers of current uses, legalities, ownership questions and societal tendencies that reach far beyond purely architectural appreciation. This year, within the LINA programme, the cinematic production of architectural knowledge will be joined with experimental practices of in-situ installations, peripatetic storytelling and community gathering, with the emphasis on reinventing collectivity, performativity and materiality, under the title The Architecture of Cure.
Sine cūrā: A Future In What We Already Have programme in 2025 is conceived to curate and exhibit a postdisciplinary interest in critical architectural heritage, which has turned into a multifaceted front of projects in the case of The Children’s Maritime Health Resort in Krvavica. Moreover, we seek to combine learnings and collect examples of the plurality related to acts of care in a discursive exhibition and its publication, where curiosity is sparked by contemporary communities and their imaginaries, together with a future in what we already have.
28 - 30 Nov 2024, DAI – SAI Gallery, Pula
(within “Community Architecture” DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE IN ISTRIA programme)
28 Nov 2024, Thursday
18:00 - 18:30
“New Local: Examples from Finland”
Lecture presentation by Mika Savela (TAIKE, Helsinki)
18:45 - 20:00
“Community Architecture Here and Now: Pula, Višnjan, Rijeka, Krvavica”
Discussion moderated by Ana Dana Beroš, and visual presentation with:
• Breda Bizjak (DAI-SAI)
• Jasmina Bašić (DAI-SAI)
• Marin Nižić (Urbani Separe, Rijeka)
• Tina Divić (mART, KuK, Makarska, Krvavica)
29 Nov 2024, Friday
10:00 – 13:00
“Acts From Sites of Care” Editorial Workshop
Facilitators: Mika Savela and Ana Dana Beroš
18:00 – 20:00
“Sine cūrā: A Future In What We Already Have”
Public Talks with LINA Fellows:
Moderators: Ana Jeinić (IZK, TU Graz) and Ana Dana Beroš
• Rajna Avramova (Vienna)
• girlscanscan collective (Budapest)
• Liisa Ryynänen (Helsinki)
• Loris Perillo and Andrea Arcese (Basel, Rome)
“Sine cūrā: A Future In What We Already Have”
Exhibition Featuring: Rebeka Bratož Gornik, Tina Divić, Matija Kralj Štefanić, Joaquin Mora et al.
“Periple Duet II”
Publication presentation in collaboration with Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, featuring Johanna Musch and Wit[h]nessing
30 Nov 2024, Saturday
10:00 – 12:00
“Rijeka’s Walk Through Pula”
A peripatetic program connecting two port cities, Rijeka and Pula, curated by Urbani Separe.
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