
By Eating We Digest Territories
Every time we eat, without being aware of it, we connect our plate to a plethora of remote sites: supermarkets, greenhouses, farms, cold chains, logistics networks, warehouses, and wastelands. But regrettably, the architecture facilitating these processes rarely garners attention and does not grace the pages of glossy architectural magazines, remaining mostly unnoticed despite its immense importance. Yet, in a world where every bite we take reverberates across the planet, now more than ever, we must redesign these food systems with their ecosystemic implications in mind.
FOODSCAPES prompts us to focus on the overlooked but crucial architecture that supports our food systems, from the domestic laboratories of our kitchens to the vast operational landscapes that nourish our cities.
The exhibition is composed of three main parts: an audiovisual project of five short films, an archive in the form of a recipe book, and a comprehensive public programme.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
LINA fellows Future Foodscapes Research Unit were invited to help curate the exhibition as well as conduct a 2-day workshop, which delved into tracking the traces of a hotdog.