KÉK Takeover: Sustainable Tourism

How can we, as tourists, contribute to the local ecosystem? What can strangers give to the local community? These questions frame the upcoming three-day takeover by KÉK — Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, stemming from the legacy rule left by Forecast on the previous takeover: knock on 10 unknown doors.
As newcomers to the city, KÉK aims to redefine the modes of discovering the neighbourhoods around the Lisbon Triennale – Alfama, Costa do Castelo, and São Vicente – by knocking on many doors during their stay in a literal, explorative and figurative sense. This participatory programme focuses on opening new discussions, presenting good practices and facilitating the co-creation of a sustainable visit through a selection of local initiatives in the field of arts, design and architecture.
With free admission, this public programme is part of the European platform LINA, funded by Creative Europe and part of the cooperation project led by Lisbon Triennale.
Community Placemaking series
I. The Architect’s view: Alfama e Castelo
Local architecture practices are invited to create a collaborative cartography of the Palace’s neighbourhood. The co-creation of a new map from architects' perspectives helps to discover the secrets around. Thematic walking tours based on the mapping process are held during the KÉK Takeover.
II. Lisbon and Budapest Doors
An Open Call for photos for an exhibition showcasing a multiplicity of personal views on doors comparing elements of Budapest and Lisbon is ongoing (10 November 2023). One door closes, another one opens.
III. Movie night
An evening of film and documentary screenings curated by the crew of Budapest Architecture Film Festival, connect the two cities over the theme of sustainable tourism.
IV. Sustainable tourism ecosystems – a workshop for knowledge exchange
Gathering local and international organisations and informal collectives to share experiences on how to build long-term sustainable practices related to resilient communities, sustainable heritage development and “citizen-friendly” tourism.
V. Special presentation night – Budapest x Lisboa
Everyone is invited to attend a public presentation night where participants share their projects in a short and lively way. Food for thought to initiate a discussion and create new partnerships.
VI. International food exchange
Reaching out to locals and tourists alike, all are invited to participate in a dinner at the courtyard that provides an alternative opportunity for tourists to contribute to the local culture and for all to enjoy different delicacies. Join us!