Periple Duet II

Periple Duet II
5 Jan — 30 May 2024

Palácio Sinel de Cordes, Lisbon, Portugal

The Lisbon Triennale is committed to challenging established models by creating an on-the-move residency format aiming to generate over three years a collection of emerging views of the European geopolitical contemporary context. 

For this second Periple Duet, we will invite two fellows to undertake a solo journey that serves as the basis for a reflection on architecture and landscape framed by notions of border, fluidity, displacement, or heritage (both tangible and intangible). The main rule is that their means of transportation cannot include airplanes. The journey will provide the raw material for an exercise in observation and underpins the creation of a sound or audio-visual piece. Upon arrival in Lisbon, a public debate will bring together both experience and results of their travelogue. 

What we look for in LINA fellows

People from different backgrounds with a critical view on architecture and European territory to have a plural collection of essays oriented for a wide audience. 

People whose experience tackled somehow notions of border, fluidity, displacement, or heritage (both tangible and intangible).

Curious minds, talented persons that have good writing skills and vibrant communicative ability.