Architecture of Cure

The DAI-SAI Architecture of Cure program continues its exploration of critical architectural heritage, aiming to transform both physical and intangible environments from what were once “spaces of common disease" into places of “common healing". This initiative began in 2023, initially titled From Care to Cure and Back, with a focus on The Children’s Maritime Health Resort of Military Insured Persons, a remarkable architectural creation by the enigmatic Croatian architect Rikard Marasović in 1965. Through the lens of film, the program reimagined the mentioned architecture, envisioning alternative concepts of social interaction and spatial organization.
The Architecture of Cure initiative now convenes a “pre-summer school” comprising selected LINA (Learning, Interacting, Networking in Architecture) fellows, international experts, and members of the local community. In collaboration with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, some of the invited LINA fellows will incorporate their findings or conclude their Periple Duet “residency on the move” in Krvavica. This integration aims to merge existing knowledge about The Children’s Health Resort with innovative, on-site experimental practices, including art installations and “daily performances”. The primary focus lies in redefining notions of collectivity, performativity, and materiality, leading up to a community festival scheduled for May 1st.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
The Architecture of Cure initiative now convenes a “pre-summer school” comprising selected LINA (Learning, Interacting, Networking in Architecture) fellows, international experts, and members of the local community. In collaboration with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, some of the invited LINA fellows will incorporate their findings or conclude their Periple Duet “residency on the move” in Krvavica. This integration aims to merge existing knowledge about The Children’s Health Resort with innovative, on-site experimental practices, including art installations and “daily performances”. The primary focus lies in redefining notions of collectivity, performativity, and materiality, leading up to a community festival scheduled for May 1st.
28 April 2024, Sunday
The Children's Health Resort, Krvavica
12:00 – 13:00
“Architectural stories on the move”, perfomative guided tour of the Children's Health Resort, Ana Dana Beroš, Tina Divić and Mauro Sirotnjak (in English and Croatian).
18:00 – 20:00
“Critical tourism”, discussion and presentation of S'lim no. 7 ADRIA zine by SELIM Helsinki, Mika Savela and Henrik Drufva, with Ana Dana Beroš (in English)
29 April 2024, Monday – 30 April 2024, Tuesday
The Children's Health Resort, Krvavica
10:00 – 20:00
Internal workshops “Daily performances” with Nikolina Rafaj (in English and Croatian), with preparations for May 1st art installations/ festivities
1 May 2024, Wednesday
The Children's Health Resort, Krvavica
16:00 – 20:00
1 May Festivities
Art installations and performances: “On-time” by Johanna Musch, “Between Exhaustion and Cure” by wit[h]nessing (Tatuli Japoshvili Giga Tsikarishvili), “Continous Leisure” by Esteban Sala, “Children Scale” by Tina Divić, “The Rampant Krvavica Walk” by Pavle Mijuca and more.
Tatuli Japoshvili (writer and artist, wit[h]nessing, Tbilisi, Georgia), Giga Tsikarishvili (multidisciplinary practitioner, wit[h]nessing, Tbilisi, Georgia), Johanna Musch (social designer, Aubervilliers, France), Esteban Salcedo (architect, Madrid, Spain), Pavle Mijuca (artist and spatial researcher, Amsterdam, the Netherelands), Nikolina Rafaj (dramaturgist and writer, Zagreb, Croatia), Mika Savela (curator, SELIM, Helsinki, Finland), Henrik Drufva (architect, SELIM, Helsinki, Finland), Tina Divić (artist, mART, Krvavica, Croatia), Marija Ivanković (mART, Makarska, Croatia), Dijana Jelić Škorlić (mART, Makarska, Croatia), Matija Kralj Štefanić (filmmaker, VIDEODROM, Zagreb, Croatia), Nastja Štefanić Kralj (contemporary dance artist/musician, Zagreb, Croatia), Bojan Divić (musician, Babin Zub, Krvavica, Croatia), Mauro Sirotnjak (architect and researcher, Zagreb, Croatia), Ana Dana Beroš (curator and architect, DAI-SAI, INTERMUNDIA, Zagreb–Graz, Croatia–Austria).
Additional information:
article The Future Resides In What We Already Have, by Ana Dana Beroš and Mika Savela, published on e-flux on 2 May, 2024, within Framing
Renovation editorial, a collaboration between e-flux Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana within the context of the 2023–24 LINA Architecture Programme.
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