Staging Ground residency

For a second year, Theatrum Mundi welcomed three researchers and practitioners to Paris to explore infrastructural transformations through performative tools and concepts.
The residency took place in two parts. From 2 to 3 May, architect and somatic practitioner Melissa Harrison developed a two-day workshop for students of the Master ArTeC, exploring how a common space can be constructed through collective movement, interrogating and transforming the social dynamics of movement infrastructures. From 20 to 25 May, architects and researchers Margarida Waco and Ewa Effiom spent a week exploring the new Grand Paris Express metro system and its impact on the territory of Plaine Commune in Paris' northern suburbs. Through a series of discussions and walks with activists, urbanists, community groups and taxi drivers, they developed a film assembling the diverse and conflicting voices being raised around the project. They also spent the week mentoring participants in the Experiments Exchange, organised by Theatrum Mundi and Architektüros fondas.
Residency contributors included LINA fellows Océane Ragoucy, Dimitri Szuter and Johanna Musch.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
LINA fellows either undertook a residency in Paris to develop their work, or contributed to the residency programme as local practitioners sharing their work with visiting LINA fellows.
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