TRANS Practices – Instability

TRANS Practices will explore the many possible transfers between architecture, art, industry, and open source culture. Our main topic will be the notion of INSTABILITY as a true opportunity, not limiting, but rather potentially creative.
We feel the urgency of a new beginning, a new starting point where we can collectively explore many of the layers of information that surround us, envelop us, and sometimes suffocate us, diversifying its reading, actively operating on formats, and expanding meanings.
We claim for the plural construction of notions that, based on vaguely imported concepts, support the contemporary discourse on architecture.
We believe in cumulative processes because they boost speculation and form in multiple directions, blurring the contours and multiplying the goals.
We propose a projective methodology that gives a new expanded materiality to be inhabited. Through experimental research, critical connections will be made about natural environments, productive systems, matter, and the various cultural and social realities, among others. Be they personal, collective, tangible, theoretical, physical, ideal or any other, ready to be discovered through observation and practice.
What we look for in LINA fellows
We are looking for people eager to explore the notion of instability, in the format of a public lecture, and mentoring sessions in two different workshops. During Spring Semester, our fellows will be actively working with a group of students of the UPM ETSAM 2023-2024 Master Program in Madrid.
From February to May 2024 we will create a meeting place to identify multiple definitions of instability in architecture, as potential research lines to be further developed.
We also aim to establish connections with other LINA members aligned with this envision of instability, through experimental research and creative production processes.