Oslo Architecture Triennale – Transforming Neighbourhoods

In 2024 the Oslo Architecture Triennale continues the research on the scale of the neighbourhood as horizon for rethinking the future of our cities.
For this cycle we will focus on processes of transformation on a neighbourhood scale and invite the fellows to share knowledge and bring new and critical perspectives on how we can form more holistic, socially diverse, and sustainable neighbourhoods.
Working with their own cities, the fellows are invited to produce a short film about places, situations, strategies, or actions that contribute to trigger transformation and positive change for the local contexts and communities.
The films will be presented through the Oslo Architecture Triennale digital channels, and the fellows will be invited to participate in a round table discussion in Oslo during the Spring of 2024.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
The fellows will develop and produce a short film to be presented through the Triennale digital channels. The fellows will come to Oslo and participate in a public event, where they will present their projects and take part in a round table discussion with local guests.
Related fellows