Are we winning? Roundtable

Together with the Plečnik Fund, coinciding with the conferral of the eponymous prizes, Slovenia’s highest architectural recognitions, we are opening up the debate on the relevance and future trajectory of award giving in architecture. Joining in on the debate are Allan Mensah (LINA fellow), Ivan Blasi (Mies van der Rohe Foundation), Boštjan Vuga (President of the Plečnik Fund), Mia Roth Čerina (University of Zagreb), Matevž Čelik (Head of LINA Platform), Mateja Kurir (Manager of LINA platform) guests and winners of the 2023 Plečnik Awards. Together with moderators Nuša Zupanc and Hana Cirman, we will consider new criteria and how architecture prizes might still help create better architecture.
A contribution to the Architecture Programme by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, the event is part of the Are we winning? programme, featuring LINA fellows Allan Mensah and Francesca Beltrame. Their research of new criteria in architectural award-giving, including sustainability and diversity, will result in an exhibition taking place in Ljubljana from 27 June to 10 August.