Understanding City Growth
Many citizens of Belgrade have the impression that Belgrade is losing its identity and urban functionality. This is the result of accelerated city growth without a clear development strategy which cares about the city and its citizens.
We will try to find out how new generations of creative people coming from other contexts perceive the city of Belgrade and its future growth through a three-year programme that would focus on urban planning, architecture and ecology. Three editions of fortnight-long residency programmes per year will be organized in the first and the second years. BINA will invite creatives selected through the platform open call. Their task will be to respond to the topic through different forms and media of expression: design proposals, films, photographs or essays. Creatives will be paired with a local team/person that will be selected by an open call or invited by BINA. During their stay, BINA will organize presentations of creatives’ work in the most appropriate format and medium for each participant.
Collaboration with LINA fellows
The program will be implemented in two phases:
- residential stay in Belgrade dedicated to a research in cooperation with local peers, and in accordance with the LINA fellows' own professional interest
- a public presentation of the work during the LINA Day program within the BINA 2023 festival (May 13, 2023). Each of the fellows, in accordance with their practice and based on their proposals from the open call, will present the results of their research in the most suitable form for them: lecture cum discussion, essay and video.
The final form of the works will be presented within the third edition of the LINA/BINA program. In 2025, a final exhibition/event curated by the participants of the third and last LINA open call, will present elaborate works of LINA fellows from the first two editions. In this way, all LINA fellows, together with their colleagues from Belgrade, will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate on a joint project. On the other hand, Belgrade audience will have the opportunity to find out about independent and fresh insights into the possible development and growth of their city.