FESTIVAL'AND 6.0, design-build summer school for temporary architecture and spatial interventions

FESTIVAL'AND is an international design–build summer school for designing and constructing temporary architecture and spatial interventions. In 2025 the summer school is organised by the Institute of Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture of the Art Academy of Latvia in collaboration with the cultural association CAMPOSAZ, Valmiermuiža Association of Culture, and the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the RISEBA University of Applied Sciences.
“FestivaL’and 6.0” invites to go beyond the academic knowledge and get out of the classroom into the physical world of materials, crafts and construction for city users of all generations. The participants led by design and architecture professionals will generate ideas, design, learn and create an instant spatial interventions as an audiovisual adventure and part of culture program in Valmiermuiža park.
The summer school is devoted to the idea of the contemporary ephemeral architecture and urban design elements as catalysts for important processes in the society, urban environments, perception, and usability of the city. During the summer school, participants will gain knowledge, skills and experience in the process of design creation from research, ideation, tectonic experimentation to 1:1 scale hands on construction.
The summer school in 2025 is organized as workshops led by international tutors' team to work out the ideas on spatial arrangements in Valmiermuiža park, work in teams, develop the design proposals, and take part in construction process.
The intense workshops will be enriched by inspiring lectures, guided excursions, discussions, and feedback sessions, as well as cultural and leisure activities in the nature, concerts, performances and being together with the creative crowd of Valmiermuiža Ethno-music festival.
Collaboration instructions
We invite LINA fellows to apply for fully-funded place to take part in the summer school. Application is open until April 1. Please check eligibility for receiving the scholarship/fully-funded place on the website.
Each FESTIVAL'AND brings together diverse crowd of people that share passion for self-building and crafts. LINA fellows can become participants of the design-build course, contribute with their knowledge and experience and gain new skills in designing and constructing from timber.