Echoes in concrete: Spomeniks in miniature
As a continuation of previous work, LIFT Spatial Initiatives together with LINA Creative Ena Kukić (E+D) will research cultural heritage focusing on the social, emotional and spatial narratives embedded within Yugoslav Spomeniks. A combination of researching, talking and and exhibiting will serve as a resource for analyzing the Yugoslav period of memorialization in the geographical context of Yugoslavia, and by extension, in Sarajevo as well. The work builds on the last three years of seminars at TU Graz lead by Ena, where experimental model-building methods were used to explore remembrance and interpret architectural language of Yugoslav commemoration using various methods and materials.
Collaboration profiles
Bold, fun and skillful storytellers through various mediums. We are searching for someone with specific interest in researching cultural heritage, but also creatives with spatial awareness and a passion for architectural representation. We welcome individuals who possess a keen eye for detail and craftsmanship, as well as those who can effectively communicate complex ideas through visual storytelling. In our voting process, we'll prioritize candidates who demonstrate a strong understanding of the historical and cultural significance of specific forms of remembrance.