Tirana, Film & Architecture Workshops: Leave No One Behind

Copenhagen Architecture Festival partnered up with Barleti University to hold a one-week film & inclusive design workshop in Tirana for professional or aspiring architects, designers, planners and filmmakers interested in social sustainability. Through lectures, group exercises, guided explorations of Tirana and peer-to-peer feedback sessions, in the first part of the week participants learned about the potential of architecture and design to further the UN's Leave No One Behind agenda and filmmaking. In the second part of the workshop, assisted by a professional film editor, participants applied this knowledge to create their own short film documenting a non-discriminatory design solutions found in the built, grown and/or planned environment of the Albanian capital city. All the films produced during the workshop were premiered publicly on the final day of the week and will enter the Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind global short film competition, becoming part of an open-source online platform for inclusive design solutions that will be disseminated across the world.
Click on the event webpage to view all submitted videos!
Collaboration with LINA fellows
Three selected LINA fellows contributed to the project by sharing and expanding their knowledge about non-discriminatory design, film as a spatial research tool, inclusive place-making and/or socio-spatially engaged filmmaking. Two fellows also produced a short film, alongside workshop participants, documenting an inclusive spatial design they found in Tirana.
In the context of the one-week program, LINA Fellows engaged closely with project partners and workshop participants (an international group of architecture, film, art, anthropology, design and urbanism practitioners and students with an interest for inclusivity) and met other local urban researchers and filmmakers with whom they explored the spatial context of the Albanian capital city.
Fellow Filter Café Filtré drew from their great experience organizing open streets to teach participants how to carry out socially and environmentally sustainable urban interventions; Fellow Urban Copyleft/Lemonot built on their previous experience tutoring film & architecture workshops abroad focusing on minority communities to offer participants the tools to carry out a multimedia spatial analysis; Fellow Rebeka Bratož Gornik inspired participants with her interdisciplinary creative research practice and guided them in the production of their own short.
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