LINA members exchange practices at 4th General Assembly in Ljubljana

How to work closer together? 6 LINA members presented ways in which 2 or more member organisations can join forces, deepen knowledge, and support each other’s work by collaborating with LINA fellows in a joint programme.
On 20 June, 34 organisations that form LINA congregated in Ljubljana for the semi-annual review of plans and accomplishments: including its newest member, Art Academy Latvia, presented by Liene Jākobsone.

This time, the focus was specifically pointed at deepening collaborations between member organisations: a way of enhancing programmes, but also deepening ties within the network and providing richer opportunities for LINA fellows collaborating in the programme.
Irish Architecture Foundation and dpr-barcelona presented their mutual programme, LINA Writing Award, that is ongoing from 2022. The programme encourages the creation of architecture-related writing, offering emerging thinkers a chance to publish their work with the support of the IAF and dpr-barcelona. The awards support inventive writing that fosters a genuine sharing of knowledge. Projects that explore pressing environmental concerns in the built environment from creative and interdisciplinary angles are particularly valued. Blaithin Quinn (IAF) presented the collaborative process.

Freo Majer from Forecast and Elena Falomo from Living Summer School have joined forces for the first time in the previous year as part of a Spring School and will collaborate in the upcoming year, too. They have invited Neo-Futuristic Walks to create a three-day “walkshop” around Radialsystem, the Forecast Festival venue. They looked at the city from a “neo-futuristic” perspective: attempting to translate our urban endeavours and speculations into a collective walkable narrative.

Lisbon Triennale’s Manuel Henriques presented the second iteration of the Periple Duet programme, an on-the-move residency, where LINA Fellows selected through the LINA platform open call are invited to prepare an essay, a podcast, any form of shareable deliverable, to be thought and produced during their journey to or through the Lisbon Triennale headquarters. Ana Dana Beroš explained how it crossed paths with DAI-SAI’s Architecture of Cure programme that took place in Krvavica, Croatia and continues its exploration of critical architectural heritage, aiming to transform both physical and intangible environments from what were once “spaces of common disease" into places of “common healing". Two LINA fellows, Johanna Musch and Withnessing, travelled impressive distances to both organisations, documenting their way.

A total of 98 collaborations between LINA members and fellows took place in the second year of operations that just concluded. The third generation of LINA fellows will be announced on 9 July 2024.
Photo credit: Urban Cerjak