
On 9 and 10 October 2023, the 33 member organisations that make up LINA, the European Architecture Platform, gathered in Copenhagen for our annual focal event, the LINA Conference.
For two days, we had the chance to get to know the 28 LINA fellows, up-and-coming individuals and teams selected at the open call for their innovative ideas and practices. Together, they’ll be creating events and activities around Europe, with the aim of bringing the architecture sector closer to the goals of the European Green Deal.

LINA fellows + Matchmaking
The first part of the conference Alliances for a Resourceful City was dedicated to the presentation of the second generation of LINA fellows. Their presentations were segmented into thematic panels, and we cordially invite you to have a look at the presentations.

Panel 1: Exploring Coexistence with Océane Ragoucy, Johanna Musch, Maria de la o Molina Perez-Tome, Rajna Avramova, Giga Tsikarishvili (Wit[h]nessing), Dinko Jelečević (E+D)
Panel 2: Cycles of Transformation with Irene Domínguez Serrano, George Guledani, Jade Apack, Margarida Waco, Nuno Vasconcelos (, Estelle Barriol (Studio ACTE)
Panel 3: Beyond City Limits with Vida Rucli (Robida), E J Williams, Laura Hurley, Hedwig van der Linden (Dérive), Rachel Rouzaud, Magdalena Gorecka (Foil & Soil Mishmash)
Panel 4: Progressive Cityscapes with Alberto Roncelli, ewa effiom, Liva Dudareva (METASITU), Ciara Drew (Soundcamp), Viktória Mravčáková (Spolka)
Panel 5: Materials Matter with Anna Perugini, Ailo Ribas (Al-Wah’at), Jannik Oslender (Baukreisel), Elspeth Lee (Superposition), Giulio Galasso

Focus Talks
The second day framed the long-term goals of what the LINA community aims to achieve. Keller Easterling (designer, writer, educator), Camilla van Deurs (Chief City Architect for the City of Copenhagen), and Phil Ayres (architect, researcher, educator) presented their talks with in-depth reflections on the theme of the conference, which focused on urban spaces, along with regulative and educational systems in the times of an environmental crisis. At the roundtable discussion, led by Kristoffer Weiss, they were joined by Jutta Kastner (Policy Officer, European Commision) and Matevž Čelik (Head of LINA platform).

The State of Architecture
A summary and overview of themes and pressure points that seem to weave through the 550 applications to LINA’s Open Call were summarised and analysed by Nick Axel (architect, editor, educator, curator) in the State of Architecture address. Throughout the two days of the programme, certain threads emerged: that of the need for finding answers in a plurality of approaches, underlining the immense importance of local direct action, and demonstrating concrete examples of sustainable living, both with material research that might engage the building industry, as well as concrete examples of future living to persuade the wider public.

Both days of the conference are available to watch on the LINA YouTube channel; while the upcoming events linking established institutions with emerging talents will take place up until November 2024: when the cycle starts again.
Additional materials, referenced at the roundtable discussion (brief and presentation), can be accessed on respective links.
The 2023 LINA Conference was organised by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana (coordinator of the LINA platform), together with Copenhagen Architecture festival and partnered with the Royal Danish Academy.