Announcing the 2023 featured LINA fellows

The 2023 LINA Open Call sought to find emerging spatial practitioners, thinkers, and creatives to become LINA fellows. We invited individuals and teams to apply with their radical idea, practical solution, theoretical insight or thought-provoking practice addressing the environmental crisis. 548 eligible applicants from 36 countries answered our call.
The selection process was twofold. First, a selected representative from each of the 32 LINA member organisations reviewed all projects. They cast votes, ranging from 1 to 3 points, for 25 of the projects that answered to their criteria best. The Governing Board of the LINA platform (Ana Dana Beroš, Ivan Blasi, Matevž Čelik, Tinatin Gurgenidze, Freo Majer, Cesar Reyes Najera) reviewed the top-rated applications and confirmed 25 teams and individuals as 2023 LINA fellows.
In 2023, three additional LINA fellows will be added to the roster: EUmies Awards Young Talent 2023 winners Dinko Jelecevic (E+D), Laura Hurley, and María de la O Molina Pérez-Tomé. The latter have been recognised by the EUmies Awards Young Talent jury (N’Goné Fall, Manuel Henriques, Jennifer Mack, Simone Sfriso, and Snežana Vesnić).
You can find the 28 selected projects listed here, but you can also meet them live or tune in online to the 2023 LINA Conference on 9 and 10 October!
Meet the 2023 featured LINA fellows
Future Foodscapes Research Unit — FFRU
Rachel Rouzaud + Bernadetta Budzik
The LINA fellows programme
Featured LINA fellows will present themselves and their work at the 2023 LINA Conference in Copenhagen, where they will get the chance to network with LINA member organisations and forge collaborations in the LINA Architecture Programme, a series of activities taking place all over Europe throughout the year.
However, any one of the authors that have applied to the LINA Open Call and are eligible to collaborate can become a LINA fellow on invitation by a member organisation.