4th LINA General Assembly

You are cordially invited to attend the LINA General Assembly, an all-platform meeting of members. At the meeting, we will present the new associated member of the platform, Art Academy of Latvia.
During the meeting, we will discuss the achievements of the second year of the platform’s running and present a few snippets of the LINA Architecture Programme, which connects our member organisations with LINA fellows, emerging talent that our platform supports.
Thursday, 20 June 2024
Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana / Google maps
Vurnik Hall
9.00 - Registration and coffee
9.30 - Welcome address: prof. Mihael Dešman, Dean, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana
9.35 - Welcome address: Matevž Čelik and dr. Mateja Kurir, LINA
9.45 - New LINA Associated Member: Art Academy of Latvia, Presented by Liene Jākobsone PhD
10.00 - Review of LINA’s second year: Matevž Čelik and dr. Mateja Kurir, LINA
10.30 - LINA Architecture Programme:
DAI-SAI and Lisbon Architecture Triennale
Presented by Ana Dana Beroš and Manuel Henriques
11.00 - Coffee break
11.30 - LINA Architecture Programme:
dpr-barcelona and Irish Architecture Foundation
Presented by Cesar Reyes Najera and Blaithin Quinn
12.00 - LINA Architecture Programme:
Living Summer School and Forecast
Presented by Elena Falomo and Freo Majer
12.30 - Conclusions