Adam Przywara

I’m an architectural historian and curator. My work investigates ruined built environments, with a particular focus on building material reuse, recycling, and wasting in historical and contemporary architecture. I’ve studied art history at the University of Warsaw, architectural history at the Bartlett, University College London, and completed my doctorate in architecture at the University of Manchester in 2022. My doctoral thesis examined the history of ruins and rubble during the postwar socialist reconstruction of Warsaw. My current postdoctoral project at the University of Fribourg employs ethnographic methods to study transnational supply chains of second-hand windows supporting grassroots renovations in wartime Ukraine. I was a fellow at the Bauhaus Foundation in Dessau (2018), German Historical Institute in Warsaw (2020), and a recipient of Theodor Fischer Award (2024). I have curated numerous architectural history exhibitions, most notably the show titled 'Rising from Rubble: Warsaw 1945-1949' at the Museum of Warsaw (2023). The show was accompanied by the publication on the past and future of ruins in architecture, which I have edited and contributed to (Museum of Warsaw, 2023). My texts in English and Polish have been published in academic, professional, and popular publications on art and architecture. I am currently completing an academic monograph on the history of the second materiality of architecture and landscape in postwar Warsaw.
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